Financing commitments and guarantees at December 31, 2022(thousand MAD)
Commitments on securities at December 31, 2022(thousand MAD)
Forward foreign exchange transactions and commitments on derivative products at December 31, 2022(thousand MAD)
COMMITMENTS 12/31/2022 12/31/2021
Financing commitments given to credit institutions and similar establishments 3 484 289 2 526 017
Import documentary credits
Acceptances or commitments to be paid 532 532
Confirmed credit lines
Back-up commitments on securities issuance
Irrevocable leasing commitments
Other financing commitments given 3 483 757 2 525 485
Financing commitments given to customers 99 013 516 79 515 849
Import documentary credits 35 516 680 22 332 597
Acceptances or commitments to be paid 4 936 468 3 937 929
Confirmed credit lines
Back-up commitments on securities issuance
Irrevocable leasing commitments
Other financing commitments given 58 560 368 53 245 323
Guarantees given to credit institutions and similar establishments 22 058 723 16 000 264
Confirmed export documentary credits 679 891 86 028
Acceptances or commitments to be paid
Credit guarantees given 3 403 873 1 857 716
Other guarantees and pledges given 17 974 959 14 056 520
Non-performing commitments
Guarantees given to customers 61 149 711 60 338 347
Credit guarantees given 10 941 841 12 651 395
Guarantees given to government bodies 25 659 891 24 529 129
Other guarantees and pledges given 23 152 474 21 862 740
Non-performing commitments 1 395 505 1 295 083
Financing commitments received from credit institutions and similar establishments
Confirmed credit lines
Back-up commitments on securities issuance
Other financing commitments received
Guarantees received from credit institutions and similar establishments 44 369 529 34 545 570
Credit guarantees received
Other guarantees received 44 369 529 34 545 570
Guarantees received from the State and other organisations providing guarantees 408 234 424 153
Credit guarantees received 408 234 424 153
Other guarantees received
Commitments given 15 135
Securities purchased with repurchase agreement
Other securities to be delivered 15 135
Commitments received
Securities sold with repurchase agreement
Other securities to be received
Hedging activities Other activities
12312022 12312021 12312022 12312021
Forward foreign exchange transactions 72 957 437 76 066 406
Foreign currencies to be received 24 625 604 30 566 825
Dirhams to be delivered 13 876 673 8 727 569
Foreign currencies to be delivered 22 032 823 29 138 439
Dirhams to be received 12 422 337 7 633 573
of which currency swaps
Commitments on derivative products 42 483 453 67 039 770
Commitments on regulated fixed income markets
Commitments on OTC fixed income markets 9 124 320 5 149 644
Commitments on regulated foreign exchange markets
Commitments on OTC foreign exchange markets 25 065 849 24 940 216
Commitments on regulated markets in other instruments
Commitments on OTC markets in other instruments 8 293 284 36 949 910