The Attijariwafa bank group continues to call
on the creativity and expertise of its employees
to devise new, breakthrough, high-potential
solutions, notably through two groundbreaking
programs: “Wenov Think & Make” and “Welab
Boost”. Now in its 3rd year, the “Wenov Think &
Make” program, which was opened up this year
to the whole Group, has been a real success, with
over 450 ideas received from Group employees
during the ideation phase on 3 strategic themes:
the augmented banking experience, f inancial
inclusion and the future of work.
As for the “Welab Boost” program launched
in 2021, it enables volunteer developers to
experiment with new technology while benef iting
from cuttingedge support to develop new
solutions and learn new methodologies
Several use cases meeting the Group’s future
needs have been tested since its launch.
In addition, in 2022, the Group partnered with
Finastra, a multinational f inancial software
developer, to take part in “Hack to the Future”,
an international Fintech movement aimed at
establishing sustainable and inclusive f inance.
This partnership has resulted in the participation
of the bank’s employees (developers, business and
technical experts) in challenges and webinars on
DeFi, Cryptocurrencies, and NFTs through Wenov.
We continued to enhance our personal data protection
practices and embed a culture of privacy protection for
customers and employees in 2022 in order to comply
with current regulations in this area requirements for
collecting and processing personal data respect for
peoples rights etc The Group has formalized several
policies to guarantee data security and protection
such as the conf identiality charter for internal data
which describes the terms and conditions under
which internal data must be processed by the users
concerned Attijariwafa bank raises employee
awareness of these issues through training programs
“WENOV” BY Attijariwafa bank
This entity, entirely dedicated to innovation,
is now the benchmark in the deployment
of innovation and entrepreneurship tools,
enabling the development of banking
solutions as well as new technology and
Its “WeLab” branch, an actual technological
lab, fast-tracks the development of innovative,
high value-added technological concepts.
The “Smart Up & Ideation”, “WeDesign” and “We Culture” branches are deployed there to devise and design
tomorrow’s banking experience, via disruptive approaches such as Design Thinking, Lean Startup etc. They also
stimulate employee creativity through various acculturation programs.
“Wenov” by Attijariwafa bank, supported by passionate and committed employees who are constantly developing
innovation tools, has worked with 120 startups and delivered around a hundred POCs since its inception.
Since 2020, the Attijariwafa bank Group, through Wenov, has developed an Open Innovation program, the Fintech
Catalyst, enabling it to accelerate the implementation of its transformation projects by collaborating with
Moroccan startups and f intechs. With this program, the Group plays an important role in the development of the
Fintech ecosystem in Morocco.
Source : Bourse News